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  • rustystapp

Sales Leadership - First 90 Days

I was recently asked what a good sales leader would do in their first 90 days on the job. The answer is obviously very dependent on the company and their situation but I do think there are some basics that came to mind for me.

1. Analyze Successful Deals:

  • Begin by reviewing the deals that have been successful for the company in the past. Identify common traits, industries, or customer profiles associated with these deals.

  • Understand the key factors that contributed to the success of these deals, such as value propositions, pricing strategies, or sales techniques.

  • Document the success stories and share them with the team to help replicate these successes.

2.  Analyze Lost Deals:

  • Examine deals that were lost and gather insights on why they didn't close. This could involve feedback from sales reps, customers, or post-mortem analysis.

  • Identify recurring issues or obstacles that led to deal losses, whether they are related to product fit, competition, pricing, or other factors.

  • Develop strategies to address these issues and prevent similar losses in the future.

3. Ideal Customer Profile (ICP):

  • Define a detailed Ideal Customer Profile based on the successful deals and the company's value proposition.

  • Consider criteria such as industry, company size, pain points, and geographic location to create a comprehensive ICP.

  • Ensure alignment between the ICP and the marketing and lead generation efforts.

4. Channel Partner Evaluation (if applicable):

  • Review the current channel partners and their performance. Identify which partners have been most effective and why.

  • Assess the value that each partner brings to the table, such as their customer base, industry expertise, or geographical coverage.

  • Develop a strategy for optimizing partner relationships and explore opportunities to expand the partner network if necessary.

5. Sales Personnel and Compensation Plans:

  • Evaluate the existing sales team, including their strengths, weaknesses, and individual performance metrics.

  • Assess the alignment of the sales team with the company's strategic goals and the ICP.

  • Review compensation plans to ensure they incentivize the desired behavior and performance.

  • Consider any necessary adjustments to team structure or hiring needs based on the analysis.

6. Product Training for the new Sales Leader:

  • Product Familiarization - This involves not just understanding its features and functionalities but also the value it brings to customers.

  • Arrange meetings with the product development and engineering teams to understand the current state of the product. Discuss its strengths, weaknesses, and any ongoing or planned updates.

  • Gain insights into the technology behind the product, its competitive advantages, and how it addresses customer pain points.

  • Collaborate with the product management team to explore the product roadmap. Understand what new features or enhancements are planned and when they are expected to be rolled out.

Throughout the first 90 days, open communication and collaboration with the sales team, marketing, and other relevant departments will be crucial. Additionally, it's important to document any findings and strategies in a clear and actionable plan that can be shared with the leadership team for alignment and support.

As a sales leader, you should be prepared to implement the strategies he/she develops and continuously iterate based on results and feedback. 

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